Mistress Mindgames is discontinued...

I suppose I put this off so long because I was dreading it. I hate to let my customers down, I really REALLY do.

First, the main reason for this discontinuation:
I no longer use RPG Maker VX Ace. I use MZ. While the two engines use a similar structure, I can't just copy/paste the code of this game into MZ. I would need to manually open both engines, read through my VX Ace code, and copy each text box's dialogue and paste them one by one into MZ. I would also need to manually recreate every code function and cutscene for MZ. It would take me several months just to get it back to where it currently is.
That's time I could spend working on my newer games, or animations, or writing. All in all, while this is horrible, I have to do this.

There's nothing else to say, I'm sorry. This game is officially discontinued. If anyone recently bought it expecting me to update it, I can understand if you're mad. I'm willing to give your account free access to a different game of mine if you want. I know this is a terrible situation, but I'm not in a position to offer blanket refunds to anyone who bought it. However, if you bought it within the last 90 days (after September 31st 2024 but before Jan 1st 2025), I will refund you through paypal if you message me.

Obviously, I will no longer accept any payments for this game. It's the least I can do. Feel free to share it around if you want, the content that IS in the game is still solid, for what it's worth...

I feel terrible about this and hope everyone who bought it can forgive me, I've just gotten so wrapped up in so many projects I let this one slip...I suppose my new year's resolution is to not do this again.

Get Mistress Mindgames 2

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